I've been working on a project with quite a few CSS3 gradients recently. As usual I want the site to degrade nicely back down my browser matrix with contrast ratios holding up and the general look and feel being as close as possible. (Which doesn't have to be the same.)
Establishing a workflow
I'm using only linear gradients so the requirement is for an approach that can draw the gradient either vertically or horizontally.
I settled on a workflow shown in this article whereby a background image that repeats along one of the image axis is served to browsers that don't support gradients.
So a button's default background would be defined in CSS with a gradient, i.e.
linear-gradient(#490091, #8000FF 20%, #8000FF 50%, #B469FF 50%, #B469FF 80%, #7140A3)
The CSS above gives the button this background:
ButtonThe background would also be defined as an image that repeats along the x-axis, i.e.
background:#490091 url(/img/purple_repeater_1.png) 0 100% repeat-x;
The CSS above gives the button this background:
ButtonCross-browser differences
The most obvious difference is that a gradient is mathematically generated and so can scale to whatever dimension needed, whereas the raster image used in the second example is fixed.
Any changes to the element size (i.e. through text resizing) will mean the image no longer fills the space but adding a background colour matching one of the gradient stops can help this. It's not quite as pretty but it keeps the colour ratio and preserves some of the look and feel:
That leaves quite a lot of tasks to perform just to get a result:
- Make the linear gradient in CSS.
- Produce all the vendor variants (made a lot easier by Lea Verou's excellent cssgradientsplease tool).
- Take a screen-grab of it and cut a background image for older browsers.
The biggest task here seemed to be making the background image (screengrab the web page, open Photoshop, crop & save), so I made an online tool to provide a bit of automation: http://tombye.github.com/CSS3-Gradient-image-generator/.
Using the tool
The tool accepts the same syntax as Lea Verou's parser, which is the closest we'll get to a standard at the moment, so you don't have to change it when generating the image and the CSS variants.
It will always generate an image in the page HTML for you to grab but can also download it if needed. (Note: I can't figure out how to change the download's file name, let me know if you know how.)
There's a set of unit tests in the repo for checking the CSS parsing is correct. They cover all I can think needs testing but let me know if anything isn't working as expected so I can add tests for any missed requirements.